Thrilling way to create Telegram without phone number create telegram without phone number

Same as the other social communication and messaging applications such as WhatsApp, フェイスブック, Google Voice, Tango, and Instagram, 電報 also requires a phone number while creating a new account and registering on their service.

Yet this method saves and prevents the system from creating spam and fraud accounts, it also inconveniences users who might not want to reveal their private phone number due to personal security reasons.

さらに, some users may wish to use the second account on their Android or iPhone devices, or they may not have a valid SIM card or phone number on their smartphone devices.

結果として, we’ve provided the best method to get your Telegram account without a SIM card or Phone number below.

It’s good to mention that Telegram allows the users to hide their Phone Number and use their nick or user name while using it’s services.

The most convenient and smart way is using temporary and disposable phone numbers. provides its users with an unlimited temp SMS received from all around the world without having any limitations which can be used to verify your new Telegram account.

1- 開ける 温度SMSS website.

温度SMSS can be opened in various monitor devices without any issues such as desktops, ラップトップおよびモバイル デバイス.

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Thrilling way to create Telegram without phone number 5

2- Choose a Country

TempSMSS Web サイトのメイン ページ, のようないくつかの最も人気のある国のさまざまなフラグを見ることができます 私たち, イギリス, カナダ, スウェーデンフランス. リクエストに応じてそれらのいずれかを選択してください.

3- Find a Number

国を選択した後, 番号のリストに表示されている適切な番号を見つけて選択する必要があります.

Free Temp Number - choose a phone number to receive free sms disposable temp
Thrilling way to create Telegram without phone number 6

4- Enter the Number in Telegram

後で, Copy the number in the TempSMSS website and enter it in the Telegram account registering page then press Submit and wait for the message to be received.

5- Bingo!

Your Telegram Verification code is received successfully, now you can type it in the Telegram app to confirm and finalize the registering process.

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Thrilling way to create Telegram without phone number 7


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